jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Thinking greener.

Every day around 8 thousand to 17 thousand of trees are cut, that makes it in a year from 3 to 7 billion of trees are cut. What’s happening with our planet?

It’s not a new that human needs some things to survive, but every day we all do things that kill the environment like using cars, taking long showers or letting the lights on in our own house. I think that people (like me) don’t realized that kind of things are important, one day we don’t will have trees to make paper or even worse to create oxygen for breath. But today isn’t a lie that you could kwon and learn about those things in so many spaces. Every day in television are programs that talk about it and teach people how to take care of the environment, also that today are some important organizations that are really worry about this subject and you can participate and have some information of them in internet, and also is free to join to them and actively participate. But we all also can do little things every day to make our planet better.

The true is that, actually I’m very embarrassed right now because, I am a horrible person, I realized that I could do a lot of great things for the environment but I just don’t do it. Well, I have changed some bad habits like take long showers, or when I did the dishes I let the water runs, but I think that it isn’t enough, because you can see how the air is on our city, or how many animals is are killed every day even if they are in danger of extinction. And that suck, we shouldn’t let that happened, and we can do something about it.

We could use a bike or go walking to some places, but the truth is that in this city is danger to ride a bike because the principal streets haven’t bike path or a place to parking. Other thing we could do is recycling and there are some supermarkets that have different spaces to put paper, plastics and cans. We also could change our water heating system that use gas to one that use solar energy, etc. Some things are expensive to buy or change, but others have to do with habits, and I think that government should give some money to people for change some systems. Someone have to respond for our behavior with the earth and in our case the government should do a big part, they shouldn’t make hydroelectric plants if we have a lot of clean energy, or they should use electric cars and but electric buses to Transantiago, for example. All the effort together should reduce our carbon footprint as a country and the personal one.

But none single effort will be enough if we don’t change our mind, and if we don’t do this quick it might be too late to save or nature and have a better life in the future. I think we all want to have a nice place for our grandchildren, and have something to teach them.

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