domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Chile 2010: What is my views on Chile's bicentennial year?

This year Chile celebrates 200 years of independence, like other countries in South America. It supposed that this important year would be awesome, with big projects like build or fixes some monuments and has new social programs and reforms, doing huge things that people could remember like part of the bicentennial and commemorating this date, and of course celebrating a lot in the holydays. An example of that could be the centennial of our country; that year were inaugurated the Bellas Artes museum with the Forestal park, the Mapocho station, etc. But the truth is that this year wasn’t that spectacular because for all the difficult situations that have happened.

Well, the first bad thing that makes difficult to create a good atmosphere was the victory of Piñera in the elections. It is a personal opinion, but I don’t agree with his thoughts about how to conduct Chile. So I think that is a regression for our country, and that have change the way of celebrate, and makes it uncomfortable for some people of the left side.

At the end of the summer an earthquake took us by surprise and let more than 2 million of people that have some serious damages in their houses, a lot of families loose someone and even worse when you think about the tsunamis that affected a lot of cities in the south of our county. That is very sad and in my opinion that is a problem a the time of celebrate the bicentennial, mainly because we had a rough winter and almost today there are a lot of families that don’t have a decent home.

And finally, the accident of the miners that finished good. But before knowing they were alive has really sad and I think it was so difficult for their families that expect for 17 days to kwon if they were alive. That ended excellent, all of them were well and now they are enjoying all the money the won with that situation.

All of this thing might sound like not that important, but I think that we have to see it from all the people that are suffering even today, some of them don’t have a home and I think that the government is the responsible for that and for other things like the hunger strike of the Mapuches and now for the women miners. So, even if we are having this important celebration where people used to forget bad things, Piñera haven’t been capable to improve his image. And I hope the tercentenary will be better, with true social reforms and with lots of monuments that help poor people to overcome that situation. Until that happened, there is no bicentennial that helps.